
The Zodiac signs
Aries Aries
Taurus Taurus
Gemini Gemini
Cancer Cancer
Leo Leo
Virgo Virgo
Libra Libra
Scorpio Scorpio
Saggitarius Saggitarius
Capricorn Capricorn
Aquarius Aquarius
Picses Pisces
The Sun The Sun
New Moon New Moon
First Quarter First Quarter
Full Moon Full Moon
Last Quarter Last Quarter

Moon Chart

The moon charts comprise the moon phase (cycle) from the new moon to the last quarter, and the zodiac path. The charts are in monthly format, for ease of use and comparisons. All charts are in GMT time.

2016 moon charts - Monthly moon charts for 2016 incorporating the zodiac path, the moon's cycle, phases, eclipses and other events! Each monthly moon chart opens in a seperate window for ease of use and comparisons.

The Moon - information about the moon and its phases. Covering the moon cycle, moon names in other cultures, blue and black moons, and other relevant information. Coming in the future a moon planting guide.

Time Zones - All our charts are in GMT, depending upon your location you may need to add or remove hours, visit this page for further details.

Links - Moon resources and other places of interest! Moon related downloads, and other useful links.

Archives - where to find our previous mooncharts.

What's this site all about? Many things to many people, would seem to be the answer! It started for me when I realised behavioural, personality and energy patterns were greatly influenced by the moon - especially by the zodiac path, full moon, and new moon. I first created the site in 2000 so I could access where the moon was at, and because I wanted to create a web site. The site unexpectedly boomed from then! A lot of people use this resource for the moon cycle through the month from the new moon to the full moon; the zodiac path charts the moon passing through the various zodiac (horoscope) signs.

What became apparent was that many people were using the moon charts for many reasons. I have received emails from fishermen who visit to get the moon cycle (and I guess their influence on tides and fishing). Organic farmers (hello Canada), who like other farmers and gardeners sow and harvest according to the moon phases. Pagans who have ceremonies etc timed to the moon, other groups also. Schools and people with an interest in the weather and who forecast also use this resource! Then there are the countless visitors who use the site to help run different aspects of their lives; from timing visits to the dentist according to the zodiac path to things too bizarre to mention! - Like me they have realised the effect of the moon. Lunar calendars are also very useful for horoscopes, the zodiac signs and paths are used by many astrologers for making free horoscopes, and by others for zodiac compatibility charts. This site is as astrologically accurate as I can make it!

The site is likely to constantly change, but the content will always remain available!



Moonchart 2000 to 2016